Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Regarding the audio for our film opening of MANSLAUGHTER, me, Bella, and Vicky were thinking of using a good amount of foley but also relying on sound effects that we can find online.

For the foley, it shouldn't be too hard to recreate noises of actions seen in the opening ourselves as our film opening showed a lot of normal activities done in a normal environment. For example, the sound of Bella/Elena walking in heels on a wooden floor shouldn't be that difficult to recreate. The "shing" sound a knife makes, sort of like a sword or machete being taken out of a sheath, will most likely be a little more troubling to produce ourselves as who knows what else we'll need to be able to make a knife make that sound? We can recreate the chopping on the chopping board, cutlery being placed down, the thud of the cucumber piece falling to the floor, etc.

Moving onto the sound effects that we'll need to find online, there are probably less of these than foley as once again, most of the actions seen in our film opening are "easy" noises to recreate. When it comes to the doorbell, for example, it is possible to record that ourselves but it honestly depends on the house because the doorbell is heard all over and the house could have an echo or maybe the recording device is too low or high. This can also be said about the "click" sort of sound effect a phone makes when being opened. Honestly, this doesn't happen in real life... well, at least not with Apple phones, but that noise is used in several films to show that the character is unlocking their phone but since it doesn't occur in real life, we'd have to find it online and use that sound effect in our film opening.

There are way too many sound effects within our film opening to list all in this blog posting but we're (me, Bella, and Vicky) positive that we can incorporate all sound effects necessary into our filming, regardless if we're relying on foley or online files for it.

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