For the sound project, we were taught the different types of sounds, their features and purposes, and we also learned on how they're created. Our assignment was to create a 1-2 minute audio clip that could actually occur in 1-2 minutes (meaning no time jumps) and we had to really think about every single sound that would be heard in the environment and context of our story and then add it into the audio clip as well as make our own four separate audios through foley (manual audio creation).
Me and my partner took awhile to think of an idea but once we came up with our story, it took even longer to think about every single audio detail we'd have to incorporate into the clip. We sat there and we thought of the basics pretty quickly but when it came to the smaller details that were easy to overlook when brainstorming, we both just sat in silence for some time and really tried to imagine ourselves in the same environment which honestly helped every now and then. When we finally figured out all the details we would need to include in our audio clip, we listed them in order and it helped us not only keep track of all the different audios we'd need for the project but also the outline of the story itself as the different audios describe the events that would be taking place in the project.
We used iMovie to edit our project and I don't have that much experience using it but I think we did an admirable job overall. We used all the different sounds that would be heard in that environment and context and organized them accurately in the order/time they would occur in the same real-life setting too. The only part I was a little unsure of on whether we did a great job on was the length of the audios we chose as we mostly only decided on audios depending on how accurate and well-sounding they were and less on their length which mean we had to extend them by either duplicating them or maybe even slowing them down to make them longer.
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