Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

 For our One Word Film project, we had to create a story revolving around a single word that we were given and my group got the word "curious." When we were coming up with our story along with the separate types of shots and techniques we intended to use, it helped a lot to draw it out on a storyboarding sheet. We referenced that sheet several times when we were filming as we could see the angle/position of the camera and subject and bring it to life easily. 

We each used iMovie to edit and complete our projects and I believe mine turned out great when it came to the different camera angles and techniques that we used while filming but I think maybe we could've done more shots to ensure there was no confusion in the story.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Project

    We did our first project of the year in AICE Media Studies. The project was based around our knowledge on the different types of camera shots and angles and we had to create a 15-photo short story and include a small description of the shot and its purpose. Me and my partner spent a good amount of time coming up with a story line and thinking of our characters and we eventually brought our brainstorming to life. I liked how the shots turned out and even though I wished the background could've been more... cinematic?... it's not like we could've done much of a realistic change as a few shots took place on a "rooftop" 😂 I also believed we could've done better when it came to telling a story through the pictures themselves as I feel the only way some of the photos could've been explained was through the small description we had to include and not the photo itself. Besides those details that I see as small flaws, this project was actually pretty fun and I liked that we could do it with a partner and use our creativity together!

This was probably my favorite shot only because of Webman's position (we had to change the name because of serious trademark policies, of course). I feel like this shot really captures how heroic and combative this character is which is definitely what we were aiming for!

Research Post: Fonts

We've finished filming! I am very glad to have gotten one of the biggest parts of this project out of the way! Now we have to work on th...